Artemis Ventures Questions

Portfolio Resources


This list contains documents and presentations in Microsoft Word and PowerPoint format. Please make sure your browser is configured to save these documents to your hard drive.

The following information is copyrighted by Artemis Ventures, LLC. If you plan to reuse it or offer it to others, please acknowledge Artemis Ventures. Thanks!

"The New Age Reality - Return to Fundamentals : From Hype to Hard Facts"
Given at Santa Clara University on July 19, 2002
(72KB) (Microsoft PowerPoint )

Warp Speed - Investing in Internet Time
Given at IIR's Dealquest 2000 in New York City on May 24, 2000
(371KB) (Microsoft PowerPoint 2000)

How to Create A Killer Business Plan and Financing Pitch
(304KB) (Microsoft PowerPoint 97)

How to Build Effective Management Teams
(251KB) (Microsoft PowerPoint 97 or available in PowerPoint 4.0 format)

Capital Acquisition Strategies
(454 KB) (Microsoft PowerPoint 97)

Exit Strategies
(180KB) (Microsoft PowerPoint 97)

Free Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer 97
Enables those without PowerPoint to view and update files

Get Started with Artemis:

Our Startup Screening Sheet
(MS Word Document)


Other resources and links to entreprenurial sites
Startup screening sheet