Co-Capital Team
Helen R. S. MacKenzie
Ganesh Subramanian
Susan G. Kalowski
Uzi Bar-Gadda
O. H. "Dave" Davidson
Michael A. Katz
Con Kenney
Eric S. Silverman
John C. Pound
Mas Nakachi
Helen R. S. MacKenzie co-founded
Co-Capital in January 2002 to provide advisory
services to limited and general partners
of private equity firms and individual portfolio
companies. She is also the Managing Partner
of Artemis Ventures Fund. Other recent engagements
have included traditional secondary sales
of limited partner interests in funds, merger
of two funds and sale of an entire fund by
an investment bank. Prior to Co-Capital,
Ms. MacKenzie worked with multiple venture
capital firms, most recently as a Managing
Director of SOFTBANK Technology Ventures.
Subsequent and prior to that she advised
managing partners of venture firms on how
to manage general partner, limited partner
and portfolio company relationships to maximize
investor returns. She works with individual
portfolio companies generally on broad business
issues that include financial and market
strategies, management team, governance,
partnerships, including merger or acquisition
candidates and liquidations. Prior to starting
in the venture business, Ms. MacKenzie had
been a Vice President at Bank of America
managing corporate lending unit in the Silicon
Valley or assessing bank and banker portfolio
risk. Ms. MacKenzie is and has been a director
of numerous companies and non-profit organizations.
Contact: helen@co-capital.com

CFA, joined
Co-Capital Partners
after consulting
to a range of
investment banks
in two general
areas, providing
liquidity to
non-liquid assets
through Securitization
vehicles such
as CDO and CBO;
and establishing
risk management
such as risk
based capital
allocation. Ganesh
has successfully
and completed
five major Securitization
programs, with
total value
exceeding $2
billion, sale
and swaps of
numerous secured
and derivative
Since 1991,
Ganesh has been
managing or
selling structured
portfolios and
private equity
funds. Previously,
Ganesh had been
at Ernst & Young
providing merger
and acquisition
advisory services
and also worked
with a Goldman
Sachs affiliate
in varied capital
markets, providing
liquidity to
owners of private
equity investments.
he has had the
to manage fund
of funds investing
in a wide range
of private equity
from early state
venture to buy
out funds.
Contact: ganesh@co-capital.com

G. Kalowski is
Co-Capital Partners'
Chief Financial
Officer. Ms.
Kalowski has
15 years experience
working with
various start-up
and international
technology and
venture firms.
She has provided
leadership to
creatively bring
structure, governance
and process
to each organization.
Prior to Co-Capital
Partners, Ms.
Kalowski was
the Vice President
of Human Resources
and Administration,
and Assistant
Treasurer for
She had previously
held positions
as Division
Controller and
Senior Financial
Manager at several
technology companies.
Contact: sue@co-capital.com

Bar-Gadda, Ph.D., has
been creating
and identifying
key technologies
and strategic
business plans
to grow those
in both the
consumer and
commercial semiconductor
areas for over
twenty years.
He founded the
Philips Research
Palo Alto Laboratory,
invented the
Media processor
concept, branded
it TriMedia
and built the
business to
the point it
could be transferred
to Phillips
with 200 personnel
and $60 Million
in funding.
He has been
General Manager
of Business
Line Networking
and currently
the Vice President
of Strategy
and Business
for the Emerging
Business Division.

H. "Dave" Davison has
over 40 years
of experience
as an entrepreneurial
executive involved
in the founding
and leadership
of successful
technology enterprises.
He has special
experience in
the development
of rapid growth
strategic alliances,
venture capital
financing, and
in managing
the inter-organizational
of joint ventures,
mergers and
In combination,
he has founded
and led now
generate over
$500 Million
in annual revenues,
have created
many high value
jobs and provided
superior returns
to investors.
During this
period he was
the founder
and CEO of Data
Copy, Zytron,
Zytron Data
Systems, the
Zytron Division
of Dun and Bradstreet,
and Iconix Corporation.

A. Katz has been
building businesses
for 20 years. He began
his career at Booz,
Allen & Hamilton
building a new insurance
practice for them,
before moving on to
technology companies.
Most recently, he conceived
and co-designed with
researchers at Stanford
University a research
and development laboratory
for the acceleration
of new ventures.

Con Kenney has
been building businesses
for 20 years. He began
his career at Booz,
Allen & Hamilton
building a new insurance
practice for them,
before moving on to
technology companies.
Most recently, he conceived
and co-designed with
researchers at Stanford
University a research
and development laboratory
for the acceleration
of new ventures.
S. Silverman co-founded
Co-Capital in January
2002. From 1998-2001,
Mr. Silverman served
as the President of
Aspen Investment Group,
Inc. ("Aspen"). Prior
to joining Aspen, Mr.
Silverman was a serial
entrepreneur, who founded
a residential mortgage
lender, a commercial
mortgage broker, a
real estate closing
agency and most recently
a denovo community
bank. Mr. Silverman
is also the non-executive
Chairman of Rentgrow,
Inc., a company that
provides credit and
information analysis
tools to the rental
housing industry. Mr.
Silverman remains an
active alumnus of MIT
as a judge of the $50K
entrepreneurship competition.
Mr. Silverman also
serves as a board member
of two non-profit organizations.

C. Pound, Ph.D. co-founded
Co-Capital in January
2002. Dr. Pound has
served as President
and a director of Integrity
Partners, Inc., a merchant
bank that invests in
publicly held specialty
retail and branded
consumer products companies.
Prior to starting Integrity
Partners, Dr. Pound
advised large pension
groups such as CalPERS
on investing in alternative
assets. Dr. Pound consulted
to numerous corporations
on corporate governance
issues. He also worked
with significant, dissident,
shareholders of major
corporate entities
who were involved in
hostile takeovers.
Dr. Pound was an advisor
to The Trinity Fund
I, L.P. and its general
partner. From 1987
to 1997, Dr. Pound
taught corporate finance
and corporate governance
at Harvard University.
Dr. Pound has been
a director of numerous

Mas Nakachi has
extensive experience
in various segments
of the financial services
industry and has been
involved with numerous
technology iniatives
as well. He is currently
a Senior Analyst with
Calypso Technology,
Inc., a financial technology
company developing
state-of-the-art derivatives
trading systems for
global financial institutions,
where he specializes
in Credit Derivatives,
Interest Rate Derivatives,
and Structured Finance.
Prior to his involvement
with Calypso, he co-founded
Bay Harbor Partners,
a private equity advisory
firm focused on the
secondary market for
venture capital and
private equity interests
and served in associate
and product management
roles at other private
equity and technology
companies, respectively.
Mr. Nakachi started
his career in research
and Sales and Trading
of fixed-income and
fixed-income derivatives
products. He earned
a B.S. in Finance and
Philosophy from the
Leonard N. Stern School
of Business at New
York University.
Contact: mas_nakachi@calypso.com
